Saturday, September 30, 2023

Uncatchable light

 Stroking the quiet leaves 

Ornaments on city tanks

You mock the hands of trees

Right on the ether's banks

Good luck gift of nature 

Our spieces silent collaborator

Eternal sea salt adventure 

The darkness is our narrator

You birth and kill all existence 

The universe is your biology

You open and close all persistence 

Of every life's anthology

Aeons have passed and years 

My eyes can barely open 

My lungs are shut and my ears

Been looking for you in an oven

I seek on the skies on the mountains

I swallow the clouds and the mist 

The dark coming out of the fountains

My luck always loves me the least 

For everyone you 're always there 

My shadows and me eternaly fight

Tiniest human his sufering unfair

Forever in search of the uncatchable light